Adaptable Multi-Functional Reaction Frame
- capable of conducting static and cyclic shear wall tests (upto 12 ft wide 10 ft tall) using CUREE and SPD protocol.
- capable of conducting flexural testing on beams, floor joists, or purlins.
- capable of conducting web crippling tests on cold-formed steel sections.
- capable of conducting axial compression or tension tests on structures.
- capable of conducting structures subject to a combined loading conditions.
CUREE Cyclic Test on a 8'x6' CFS Shear Wall using Steel Sheet Sheathing
CUREE Cyclic Test on a 8'x4' CFS Shear Wall using Corrugated Steel Sheet Sheathing
Truss Testing System
- capable of testing trusses up to 60 ft long 20 ft tall with a uniform loading or multiple point loading.